Thursday, May 31, 2012

Why does it suddenly feel like summer's gonna be over so soon.

I caught Men In Black a couple of nights back with Caleb and Zijie for the first time.
I actually like MIB,
it's so good.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

In light of my recent travel plans, accidents, friends birthdays, shopping sprees, and every other thing that's costing me money,
I'm gonna work like a dog during my summer.
I hope I don't regret this.

But I do need some regularity in my life,
I've been sleeping at the latest hours and waking up at the more absurd timings ever and still taking naps.
Need to rid of this pig in me.
Guess what guys?
I crashed my car again.
I am just not fated to drive.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

It hasn't been this cold in the longest time,
loving the thunderstorm tonight.
Yaanmeng just lent me the Wicked soundtrack he brought back from the States,
and they are too damn awesome.

I can't believed I missed it in Singapore.

Birthday post another day,
but in two words,
too loved.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

I can't help but feel extremely loved during this period all the time.
Rather, I'm reminded of how I'm loved all the time.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

I don't understand the world,
and why things get so complicated.
Surely things were simpler.

The world needs love,
actually it just need God.

And I believe that is my prayer for tonight,
Law school has just taught me far too many things I'd ever believe I'll experience in my entire life.
It's cool, life goes on;
It always did anyway.
Driving is making everything I saved up the past few years go to waste.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I was making a reservation over the phone when I realised I couldn't enunciate my handphone number in Mandarin.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

I liked how I never get tired of sleeping but get tired if I don't.

I just woke up from my 3-hour nap,
it is possible to sleep this summer away,
and it actually sounds like a pretty great idea except for the fact that time would pass so much faster.

Monday, May 21, 2012

I get so tired sometimes.
Or lazy?

The weather has been the hottest the past month,
I don't know what's happening but I sure need an air-conditioner in my room.

I still haven't been getting enough sleep,
though I'm well aware it's entirely my fault.

In other news,
I got a 70$ summon last Saturday because I parked along a continuous white line.
Ugh, days like these.
But it was worth it because I met up with dearest Grace whom I haven't met in the looongest time because she's been overseas.

This marks the almost official one month end of summer break,
three months to go~~
I need cash,
Too many birthdays, too many accidents, too many meet ups, too little time, too little money.

T'was a good weekend nevertheless.

Friday, May 18, 2012

I've been the busiest since the summer holidays started hence the lack of updates.
I've also been running on too little sleep everyday,
but it's cool because at least I've been busy doing productive stuffs.

The best I can remember of last week would be the two massive baking sessions,
Nicolette's 21st at Sumkee and Mandarin Orchard,
and Laura's dance recital.
But of course, meet up with FACT, Jiayi and Wenyao too.

This week has been just as busy because I had a lunch catch-up almost every other day.
Significantly, I went back to JJ on Wednesday,
I miss the YTF and 5 for 1$ too much.

If I must list the ones I caught up with:
1. Esther and Michelle to discuss small group matters on Monday
2. Zijie for movie marathon and stay over on Monday
3. Alastair, Glenn, Salad for Captains' ball and Avengers on Tuesday
4. S28 girls for supper on Tuesday
5. More baking at Yaanmeng's, midnight visit and mid-week catch up with Yiling on Wednesday
6. Lunch and a movie with Jacob this afternoon
7. Korean bbq buffet to celebrate Zijie's birthday this evening

And a lot of random survey meetings here and there because it's my job now,
and two korean dramas completed in a week.
I like how I'm really stretching my time doing things I like now,
despite that I've come to the realisation on how broke I'm becoming too.
Not funny.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The week has been busy,
and it really helps make time pass a whole lot faster.

Had a good stayover at Juls on Monday,
those girls never fail to give me a good laugh and make me feel happy all the time.

Spent Tuesday afternoon catching up with Penny,
dinner with Zijie at SICC and supper with the ex-colleagues at Upper Thomson after.
Nice meeting up with them after so long.

Grocery shopping for my bake out the next couple of days,
think 280 Whoopie pies (For Nicolette's 21st) and about 100 Jelly hearts (For the sister's concert)
This is gonna be quite fun.

Monday, May 07, 2012

I promise myself I will have confidence next semester,
no more doubting,
only trusting.

Come back, Aileen.
Be the person people always had hope in,
be the girl you used to be.

Sunday, May 06, 2012

Oh yay, my May's getting busy with people I love.
I foresee happy days to come.

Saturday, May 05, 2012

Was going to exercise when I realised I don't own a pair of sports shoes anymore.
Sigh, I tried.
Sudden urge to go China for holiday I don't know why.

Okay time to get a job and save up for either Korea or China at the end of this year.
I really really love travelling,
I want to travel to all the places in this world,
if only I wasn't stuck in boring Singapore.
First Saturday that I don't have ballet,
yet I have nothing better to do.

Chapelthon yesterday was good.
I really love and miss Fairfield a lot,
yet with each passing day this feeling just gets lesser.
And they really remain no more than memories,
the agony of growing up and old.

Stayover at Gina's yesterday was really good,
catch up all that we have been missing out on each others' life the past year.
I met up with Natalie in the afternoon as well,
spent the better part of catching up on bus rides because the places that we wanted to go to was close.

It was a good day nevertheless.

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

May has always been the bestest month in my entire year,
I hope I can say the same for this.

Time to start planning out my summer,
stay overs, baking, exercising, shopping, catching up, working, travelling, and maybe studying.

Let's get ready for some good times, Aileen.

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

I need to get out of the country or get busy now.
Idle time making me think too much already,
not healthy at all.